Sunday 26 April 2009

YouTube Cracked

This was probably the biggest coding challenge I had faced (post papervision) so far. I know looks very simple but there's a whole lot going on in the background. This is a simplified version of the kind of queries I'll be using but the foundations are there.

The button sends a request to YouTube for videos with the keywords Danger and Passion. YouTube then sends back the latest 30 videos and one is picked at random.


I wanted to create a preloader that would be modest and also informative. I aimed for something a bit more imagenative than a prgress bar which would also convey the use of the mouse wheel.

Cave Environment

What I've done so far on the cave environment. The flame change colour using the mouse wheel and clicking a symbol will eventually envoke the youtube query for that symbol.

Sunday 22 March 2009

Dissertation Plan

Introduction (500 Words)

I. Communication Through Symbolic Representation (1500 Words)

a. To start with I will discuss the ancient Egyptian language as it is one of the oldest recorded and is especially of interest to my project as it uses logographs. Also in this section I will discuss how cave paintings were used to record everyday events before the advent of written language.

b. I will look at how symbolism is used in modern culture to communicate, for example a corporate logo designed to gain one’s trust or pictographs used to inform drivers in road signs.

c. I will lastly discuss my survey findings in this section.

II. Technology In Online Media (1500 Words)

a. I will compare and contrast different technologies and techniques which have been implemented in online media since Tim Berners-Lee’s initial proposal for the World Wide Web and discuss how they have effected the internet as we know it.

b. This will lead me on to explain my ideas behind the ‘Stumble Upon’ theme I intend to use. I will talk about the success of this type of theme in other web applications such as Pandora and Firefox and how it has been utilised successfully, as well as how I think it will enhance the users experience of my final piece.

III. Symbolic Representation In New Media (1500 Words)

a. I will then look at examples such as emoticons of symbolic representation and how they are incorporated into modern communication techniques such as instant messaging and texting. I will also discuss the possibility of an entire new dialect which has been spawned from these types of modern technology.

b. This final part will look at the use of icons in human computer interfaces and the reasons behind their success.

Conclusion (500 Words)

Key References


Wednesday 11 March 2009

Paint Gun

Some code I created for a paint gun. I'm not going to explain how to use it as I'm hoping it will be intuitive enough without the need for explanation. The graphics are test graphics and will be redone before insertion into final piece. Have a play and see what you think...

Link for Meeting 12 Mar 09

Wednesday 4 March 2009

New Design Plan

Last week I decided to cut my losses with the 3D code and go for more of a 2.5D feel. These are some websites which have a similar style of what I have in mind: